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Cards On The Table

Cards On The Table - Josh Lanyon Not one of my favorite of his but it was okay. One thing that bugged me was I don't think we ever found out what kind of accident Tim had that caused his seizures or did I miss that??

All-American Girl

All-American Girl  - Ariadne Meyers, Meg Cabot A bit shallow but an overall easy and cute read, but I don't feel compelled to read the book's sequel anytime soon.

Divide & Conquer

Divide & Conquer - Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban As always, Divide & Conquer was an enjoyable addition to the series. Relationship progress was made Zane finally admits to Ty he loves him, yay! and then unmade Ty leaving Zane a letter and disappearing. I may have screamed and almost threw Kindle against the wall in frustration. New and important characters were introduced finally meeting Ty's recon team!, though it got me wondering if we'll ever find out more about Zane's past, in particular, Becky.

Fish & Chips

Fish & Chips  - Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban I don't know why but I don't fully enjoy the "cases" Ty and Zane work on each book. I mean, yay pretending to be a married couple, but I don't think I fully understand what the case was about... Other than that, of course, I love Ty and Zane and their relationship. They made a few important steps in their relationship. (basically deciding they were monogamous and forgoing condoms and Zane's decision at the end of the novel to stop wearing his wedding band.) I can't wait for what the next book has in store for Ty & Zane.

Sticks & Stones

Sticks & Stones - Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban I love the characters in this series so much. With the introduction of Ty's family, even more so! I said this in my Cut & Run review, but I think the strength of this series is with the characters. The plot of Sticks & Stones is fine but it didn't particularly draw me in especially the treasure hunters and the fact they all died (one by one...), like wtf? Also, I thought the guy the boys meet in cabin who told them about the treasure myths was going to be one of the bad guys but he just tells them the story and we never see him again...

Despite this, I loved the progress Ty and Zane made in this book. Ty realizing he was in love with Zane, yay!!! Though, I thought Zane would be the one to realize it first, but alas.

Cut & Run

Cut & Run  - Madeleine Urban, Abigail Roux I first read this book in 2010. I loved it but I never got around to continuing the series. On a whim (and to use one of my free credits from Audible), I decided to pick up the series again.

I think I enjoyed the book more than I did the first time I read it. I'm not sure why.

This series strength is its protagonists, as oppose to its plot, though I did enjoy this book's plot. (who doesn't love serial killers and Edgar Allan Poe, am I right? hah) Ty and Zane are complicated characters and I love watching their journey in this book from reluctant partners to something more (I don't want to call them lovers at this point in the series).

The Backup Boyfriend

The Backup Boyfriend - River Jaymes Surprisingly little angst for a gay-for-you novel, which was refreshing. I liked it and would recommend if someone was looking for a good and (relatively) painless gfy novel.

The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line

The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line - Jennifer Graham, Rob Thomas Note: won copy of this book via Goodreads First Reads.

(First time writing a review and I'm terrible with words, sorry!)

Also may contain major spoilers for the novel, don't look if you don't want to know!

It was a good book; I'd recommend it to Veronica Mars fans, but I don't think I'd recommend it to people who haven't watched the tv series beforehand.

What I liked about it:
- I was pleasantly surprised to see Norris Clayton (from episode 1x18 "Weapons of Class Destruction")come back as a deputy. I liked his character and I hope we see more of him in subsequent novels.
- Bringing back Lianne was also surprising. In the show, it always felt like there was unfinished business with Lianne and Veronica. Even though the novel doesn't go into their relationship too much, I hope future ones do.
- If you thought the mystery from the movie was a letdown (like I did), I think you'll enjoy the book's mystery more.

What I didn't like:
- I don't think the dialogue was as witty as it was in the show.
- After the police crash the house party thrown by Rico and Eduardo and arrest Willie, we never hear about Rico and Eduardo again. I thought there would be retaliation from Eduardo, especially. It felt like a loose end to me.
- I don't like the title. It was just a random line said by Rico at the party. It doesn't seem relevant to the mystery at all.